It is 1660. The Puritans have run away with their drab grey tails between their legs. Charles II has exploded onto the scene with a love of all things loud, French and sexy. And at Drury Lane, a young Nell Gwynn is getting her satsumas out for the punters.

Final-year production at ALRA (Academy of Live and Recorded Arts).

Nell gywnn

Written by Jessica Swale

Directed by Thomas May Bailey

Assistant Director Victoria Priddice

Set and Costume Design Andy Robinson

Production Manager Ria Tubman

Musical Direction by Max McDonald and Lucy Grant

Sound Design Aidan Good

Lighting Designer Johnathan Simpson

Costume Designer Lily O'Hara

Stage Manager Rachel Middlemore


Alex Blackie
Charlie Gibbons
Eleanor Uragalio
James Wilson
Katie Hitchcock
Lucy Grant
Madeleine Spooner
Marcia Davies
Maria Coleshill
Max McDonald
Mia McCallum
Muireann Ryan
Nuno Da Silva
Rafei Barakat
Will Cook


Callisto: a queer epic


Rehearsing for Planet B